What is this? Well, it's a place where we hope you'll be able to read up on what's happening with the alumni association (and especially about the annual dinner).
This can be a site for linking to stories about LVCS alumni (such as this one in last week's Jamestown Post-Journal that ran before Ira Joe Fisher's much-enjoyed appearance at this year's dinner), and to what others have posted in their blogs (check out what brother John Memmott did with some of his photos). When you see words written in red, click on them and you should be connected to a related story, website or blog post. Tip: You'll have to hit your "back" button to return to this blog when you're done.
We also hope this will be a place where LVCS alumni can share tales of the good old days, begin planning reunions, look for long-lost classmates and display old photos. (I couldn't resist putting in a classic 1959 yearbook portrait of my dad right away.)
To start off, here's a guide to this blog and some suggestions on how to get the most out of it.
- First, if you've got a story to share, a question to ask, a person to look for or maybe a photo or two from days gone by at LVCS, e-mail them to me (Mark Memmott) at memmottmark@yahoo.com. It may take a few days or longer for me to get to them, but I'll try to be as timely as I can. Once I've had a chance to put them into the right format, I'll "post" them on the blog.
- As we go along, I'll create appropriate "labels" or "categories" for the entries (this entry, for instance, has been labeled "About this blog"). Any messages we post about class reunion plans might get the label "Class reunions." Messages sent to me from anyone looking for a long-lost classmate might get the label "Looking For." Notes about the annual dinner could all be labeled "Annual Dinner." You get the idea. The categories will all be listed on the "front" or "homepage" of the blog. So if you see a label that interests you, click on it to read all the entries about that topic.
- The latest news will always be right at the top of the blog's homepage. If you want to read back through previous entries, just scroll down. As the entries grow, older ones will be archived. Just click on the months that are listed along the side of the blog's homepage and you'll be able to read "back" through time.
- Each entry, or post, will have a place where you can add comments. Maybe someone has asked "whatever happened to so-and-so?" and you think you know the answer. Click on "comments" and add your thoughts. I'll look through the comments before they're "published" (to prevent annoying spam from getting through), so they won't appear right away. But hopefully within a few days -- or sooner -- they will be on the blog for all to see.
If things go well, over time this blog will surely change as folks make suggestions and as blogging technology evolves. Who knows, maybe we'll start linking to audio and video.
I expect things will be a bit slow here for a while because we really haven't spread the word about it yet. But if you like it, please tell others. As I was saying to President Andrew last week, this could be a wonderful resource for all of us. The blog really belongs to all LVCS alumni and we'd like as much input and involvement as possible.
That's it for now. Enjoy the blog. Please be in touch.