Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alumni Passings

Some sad news to pass along.

-- Dorotha Young Dooley, class of 1929, passed away last month. As the obituary in the the Jamestown Post-Journal says, she was 98.

Many who were at last year's Alumni dinner will recall that Mrs. Dooley was the oldest LVCS graduate in attendance.

-- Leah Jeanne Parkhurst, class of 1936, died on March 1, the Post-Journal writes. If you didn't go to school with her, there's a pretty good chance you went with one of the Parkhust "kids." Mrs. Parkhurst ("Jeanne") was 91.

-- Robert "Bob" Bigelow, class of 1979, died just this past week. He was 49. According to the Post-Journal obituary, Bob's sister Deb (class of 1977) is living in Freeport, Pa.

The Date Is Set For This Year's Dinner

There's word from Alumni President Kevin Andrew that the date for this year's dinner is set -- June 26. As in recent years, it will again be at the Fair Grounds

Kevin says this year's theme is Academy Awards/Oscar Night. Will there be a red carpet?