Your 2011 Alumni Dinner invitation should be arriving in mailbox this week, if it hasn't already.
Here's the key information:
Guest speaker: Harlow Fisher, Class of 1961.
Caterer: The Old Library restaurant, from Olean.
Dinner options:
-- Boneless stuffed chicken breast. It comes with cornbread stuffing
and Swiss steak. $18 per person.
-- Two mesquite-grilled vegetable kabobs (they come with plum sauce, wild rice and a potato-crusted veggie cake). $17 per person ($1 less than last year!).
Everyone, according to the letter, also gets a "decadent dessert." And, of course, salad, rolls, coffee or tea.
Members of the Class of 1961, by the way, get to eat free (as the 50-year folks always do). So hit up one of them for a beer.
Dues: $5; same as last year.
Deadline: The Alumni officers would really like to receive your reservations by June 20. That's not an absolute-must, but would be much appreciated.
Mailing address:
-- Little Valley Alumni Association
-- P.O. Box 162
-- Little Valley, N.Y. 14755-0162
As always, if you wish you can also send along contributions to either the:
-- Little Valley Central School Alumni Association's General Fund
or the
-- Memmott-Langhans Scholarship
Just include a note (if you haven't gotten your invitation form) about where you'd like the donation to go and if you'd like it to be in memory of a fellow alum.
Checks should be made out to the "LVCS Alumni Association."
Hope to see many of you there.