Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Class Of '71 Looking To Get Together

Julie Dykstra sends this along to her classmates:

Class of 1971: Look for an invitation to our 40th reunion weekend (if we can find your address)! We’ll start slow with a casual dinner at the American Legion on Friday, June 24, then move on to a snacky reception in Ellicottville at Tips Up CafĂ© Saturday afternoon. Thoroughly primed, we’ll attend the Alumni Dinner Saturday evening.

Contact Julie Dykstra (, Kathy Lindell ( or Mike Young (for the locals who see him around; he's at 716-257-9157)) for more information.

If you have contact info for any of our class, please get it to Julie so we can reach everyone. Ditto for suggestions, inquiries, pictures, memories, etc.