Sunday, March 30, 2008

News from President Andrew: The date is set & the trophies are back!

"This year's banquet will be held on June 28 at the Corporate building as usual," Alumni Associated President Kevin Andrew says in an e-mail he sent me this weekend.

According to Kevin: "We have been busy in the planning stages and everything is coming along pretty much on schedule."

Kevin also reports that he and other alumni officers have "some time in the Alumni room at the Village hall and we are hoping to have it open to the public sometime in May. Karen Taft and I have retrieved all of the LVCS trophies from Cattaraugus school and have them back in L.V."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, the trophies are back?!?! I didn't know they were missing! I'm sure I had one in there somewhere...