Saturday, May 25, 2013

2013 Dinner Invitations Are Out

In case you haven't gotten yours yet or aren't on the Alumni Association's mailing list, here are the key details about this year's dinner and how to reserve your seat.

-- Date: Saturday, June 22.
-- Location: The gym at the LVCS building.
-- Times: The school will open at 4 p.m. for those who want to look around. The social hour starts at 5 p.m. (reminder: there's no alcohol being served). The dinner starts at 6 p.m.
-- The meals: Either stuffed chicken breast or Swiss steak. They come with garlic roasted potatoes and green beans.
-- The cost: $19 per person for the dinners.
-- The dues: $5 per alum.
-- Keynote speaker: Ira Joe Fisher, class of '65 (he's also going to be reading some of his poetry at the LV Memorial Library on Sunday the 23rd at 1 p.m. ET).
-- Where to send your reservation:
           Little Valley Alumni Association
           P.O. Box 162
           Little Valley, N.Y. 14755-0162
-- What information you need to provide:
           Your name
           Your class year
           Name of any guest you're bringing
           Which meal you want (the chicken is #1; the Swiss steak is #2). Be sure to order
                for your guest or guests too if you're bringing anyone.
-- Checks should be made payable to:
           LVCS Alumni Association
-- Be sure your check:
           Covers the cost of each dinner ($19 per).
           Includes your $5 dues.
-- You can also include in your check:
           Donations to the
                 Little Valley Central School Alumni Association General Fund
                 The Memmott-Langhans Scholarship Fund
           Just include a note about how much you'd like to give, and to which fund. Then add
                  that amount to the total on your check.

We'll see you on the 22nd!

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