Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 Dinner: Big Turnout, Good Time

More than 200 LVCS alums -- one of the biggest turnouts in years -- gathered Saturday in the school gym for the 2012 Alumni Dinner.

Highlights of the evening included being able to wander the old halls again (though they certainly don't look old, thanks to all the work done on the building in recent years), Jeri Parkhurst Harris's singing, the Class of 1962's generous donation to the Memmott-Langhans Scholarship fund and brother Jim Memmott's keynote address.

He took us through some of his LVCS memories, speculated about how 58-year-old Hazel the rabbit might be doing today in the wilds of Cattaraugus County, and brought things around to today and the kids who attend classes up at the CLVCS campus.

A recording of Jim's remarks (starting with an introduction by President Kevin Andrew) is posted online here and we're embedding an audio player below if you'd like to listen right now. Just click the "play" button and it should work.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

On Dinner Day, A Few More Class Of '72 Bios

The tour of the school (4 p.m. ET), social hour (5 p.m. ET; no alcohol this year) and dinner (6 p.m. ET) are today. We've gotten a couple more "where are they now?" notes from the Class of '72 (previous ones are here and here).

Clydia Minich: 

-- Isn't married now. She has "one daughter, Abby Maria aged 21.  She is going into her senior year at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford majoring in Economics and Business Management.  I have no grandchildren."

-- College is on on her "bucke list. I heard of a man who just got  his degree at age 88.  I hope that this is not going to take me that long but it proves it can be done."

-- Clydia has "worked for Beacon Light (aka Children Home of Bradford) since 1981.  I worked in direct care for many years with behavioral problem kids (mostly teenage boys) and then mental health clients.  I can honestly say I have parented hundreds of kids over the years.  I hear from many of them thanking me for doing my job and making them toe the line regardless of their problems. I tried to look at it in that I was helping one kid at a time cope with their mental illness.

"I switched over about 5 years ago and now run the Recreation Department.  Now most of the time if I don’t like behaviors I can send them to their staff. I am responsible for about 65 kids. I help organize and supervise an annual Fishing Derby put on by the Kinzua Fish and Wildlife Association which they put on for the kids I work with every May in Kane, Pa.  I am a CPR and First Aid instructor through me workplace which I have been doing for about 15 years now.  I have been teaching an autistic teen age boy to play the piano for almost 4 years now. It certainly has been educational.  Yet even though he has severe socialization skills he finally worked up enough nerve after contemplating it for six months to play a song for the Agency’s annual Christmas party.  In addition I run community service for the many clients with hours to work off."

-- She lives in Limestone and has "been in the same house since 1982. I have vacationed mostly in the South since that is where my heritage stems but not too much further than that. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz in that 'there's no place like home.' However I have been to  Texas to Houston, Texas and visited NASA, Arizona as well as Mexico, Florida and the Carribean.

-- Clydia adds that "I have raised a healthy, law abiding and productive child.  I have worked with so many kids who  did not did not grow up in healthy environments and so their future does not hold have much promise.  Hence I think anyone who has raised children can be very proud of that achievement."

Bernie Keenen:

-- "My wife, (Barb Jones, class of 76) and I have been married for 35 years in July.  We have 4 children:  Bridget 32, Brooke 28, Jessica 26 and Jacob 19.  Bridget and Brooke were born before Barb and I left LV in 1985.  Jess was born while Barb and I lived in the Albany area.  Ravenna and Jacob were born while we lives South of Youngstown, Ohio in East Palestine, Ohio.  We also live around Pittsburgh in Penn Hills for 4 years."

-- "I hired on the with the Railroad in 1974 in Jamestown, NY with the Erie Lackawanna and have since worked for Conrail and now CSXT.  I was a clerk until 2000 and was going to have to move to Jacksonville, Fl but was lucky enough to get a job as a Yardmaster in Erie Pa. Barb and I presently live in  Girard, Pa., about 15 miles west of Erie.  I can retire in Feb of 2014 when I turn 60."

-- My oldest daughter Bridget has her doctorate in Bio Medical Science.  She got married last year between Christmas and New Year in a small ceremony in Columbus, Ohio, and the party for it is on June 23rd or I would be with you all. My second daughter Brooke is married with 2 children -- Keene  8 and Kirsten 5.  She and her husband only live about 3 miles form us so we see them often.  Next daughter Jessica is now living back at home and my son Jacob just graduated from high school.

-- Dad passed away in 1999, Barb's father also died that year.  Mom still lives at 427 Rock City St and is doing well. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

More 'Where Are They Now?' Reports From Class Of '72

We've gotten a few more reports back from member of the Class of '72 about what they've been up to the last 40 years. (Click here for the first batch we posted).

Deborah Bedell Hammond:
"I hope you all have a wonderful time at the reunion -  wish I could be there."

-- "Mark and I will be married 35 years on June 25, 2012. We started dating the night before graduation; married five years later."

-- "After graduation I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh then Jamestown Community College with a degree in Applied Arts. After my youngest child got into school,  I went back to school at Florida Atlantic University and studied education . (Children with Exceptionalities). I worked in the Palm Beach County School system for five years before coming to the hospital."

-- "Mark and I have two children: Elizabeth (08/19/1983) and David (03/16/1988). I have one grandchild – Oliver Joshia Botta born on March 23, 2012."

--  "I work at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. I have been with the hospital for 14 years. I am the Concierge for Women’s Services, and the Office Supervisor for Women’s Services.  I do everything to keep the OB and NICU departments operational. I keep track of 400 employees as far as payroll, licenses and state requirements. I work closely with the physicians to insure that they are happy. I book all the inductions and C/sections for our OB Department. In 2011, we delivered 3,300 babies!"

-- "I live in Stuart, Florida. I love to travel. I have traveled extensively throughout the United States; including Alaska and Puerto Rico and the out islands. (Hawaii is the only state that I have not visited). I have traveled throughout Mexico , Canada and the Caribbean.  I have traveled to Europe, visiting the following countries:  Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Lichtenstein, Spain, Sweden , Switzerland and the United Kingdom.  I am planning a fall trip to Denmark."

-- ""Achievement not mentioned: I captain a 30 foot boat in the Atlantic Ocean."

Dennis Pierce:
"Hello classmates,

"Sorry we will not be able to attend the reunion, I hope everyone is doing well.

"Yes I 'm married. I married Shirley Lazarowitz and we will be married 40 years this coming December.

We have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren and 3 step grandchildren ages 6,7,8 and two are 11.

"I was in the Air Force for 4 years  stationed at Las Vegas, Tucson and Japan.

"I am a part time minister and I work fulltime as a bus mechanic for a  bus company in Bradford, Pa

"I also do some work in the oil fields.

"We've lived in Bradford now for 7 years, prior to that we lived in Limestone for 26 years.

"I hope everyone has a good time at the reunion and know I sent my best regards."

Bob Heckler:
"Sorry I'm late but hope you'll give me a break and slip my entry in.

Will attempt to answer in the order of your questions.

-- "While stationed in Taiwan, Republic of China, I married a Chinese girl in 1976 and we divorced in 1990.  In 1993 I married my current wife, a Japanese girl, during my tour of duty in Japan."

-- "After graduation from LVCS I went through a few technical/management/leadership schools during my Navy career but no college."

-- "I have one daughter, 34 years old, and no grandchildren."

-- "I work at Valassis Mfg Co., a large printing company, and our brand name is Red Plum. We print the coupon insert books that are in the Sunday newspaper and we ship all over the country. Sometimes the books are delivered directly to your mailbox and we're also online.  Been working there since 1998.  I'm an Imaging Technician working in the Prepress Department.  My job is to use computers and computerized equipment to transfer images onto large metal plates that are later placed onto the presses that will print out the pages that make up the insert books."

-- "I made a career of the military, entering the Navy one month after HS graduation.  Attended boot camp and technical training in Florida.  In 12/73 I went to Adak, AK, a small isolated island in the Bering Sea, for a one-year tour.  My next duty station was in Taipei, Taiwan for three years.  A three-year tour of duty in Naples, Italy, was next.  The Navy told me I had to finally come back to the continental U.S. so 1980-1983 was spent in Washington, D.C. After D.C. I went to Guam, Marianas Islands, in the South Pacific from 1983-1988.  My next destination was in the Yokohama, Japan area from 1988-1992.  Moved to Misawa (Northern Japan) in 1992 and stayed there until retirement in 1996, at which time we came back to the U.S. and settled in the Raleigh/Durham, NC area."

Chris Mager:
-- "I have been married for 33 years to the same man I met in college."

-- "I received a BS in 1976 and my Masters in 1980; Special needs education."

-- "I have 4 children; 2 boys and 2 girls. We have 1 grandchild, a boy."

-- "I worked for the Rochester City School District and took a State Agency job when we moved to Geneseo. I work with special needs; all ages."

-- "We moved to Geneseo when we had our oldest son (we wanted small town America). We have traveled extensively to Europe , Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand,Africa; Italy 3 xs, England 4 xs, Spain, Portugal, France, many countries in Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, Ireland and Scotland. We love to travel and always made it a priority."

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Where Are They Now? Bios Of The Class Of '72

As members of the Class of '72 prepares to get together (you can read about their plans here), they're sending along responses to the "what have you been up to?" emails that have been sent out by their organizers. Here are some (we'll add more if more come in):

June Smith Carver:

-- She's been married to her husband, Don, for 35 years.

-- They have two daughters, one granddaugther and one grandson.

-- June has worked for the Salvation Army the last 36 years as a pastor and administrator of social services.

-- She and Don now live in Quebec City, where she is the administrator at a homeless shelter and transition house for men and women.

-- June writes "I now work and live in French which has been quite a challenge at my age and an accomplishment."

Melody Weaver Slater

-- Married to John Slater for 36 years.

-- After LVCS, Mel got a bachelors' in education and a masters' in  curriculum from SUNY Fredonia. She taught third grade in Salamanca for 31 years, retiring in 2009 to "babysit for my grandchildren."

-- She and John have three children and five grandchildren.

-- They live in Salamanca. Their oldest son lives and works in South Korea, so Mel's going there soon to spend time with him and his wife (she's been there before, as well as to Spain and England).

Jeanne Luce Lochner

-- She'll have been married 39 years in September.

-- Jeanne attended Kent State and University of Akron for library studies.

-- She worked at the public library in Wadsworth, Ohio, for 19 years; retiring when she turned 50.

-- Jeanne's a traveler: She's been to China, the U.K., Italy, Argentina, Mexico, Kenya, Australia, all of the USA's national parks, Alaska and many of the islands in the Caribbean.

-- Jeanne and her husband enjoy volunteering for the library, Habitat for Humanity and PGA tournaments.

Karen Beeles Luttrell (who likes to write in CAPS, apparently):




-- Grandchildren: "5 ... ERIN, EMMA, PHOEBE, OWEN AND HENRY MILKS."




Karel Beeles Hamilton

-- She's been married to Jim for 38 years.

-- Their children: "Holli age 34, married, New Orleans, Tax & finance; Ashley age 30, married, Pittsburgh, teacher; and Emily age 19, student at Penn State University, State College, Speech Therapy.  No grandchildren.

-- After LVCS, Karel attended "Jamestown Community College, Human Services with emphasis on early childhood development."

-- "Early years employed with Bush Industries. Working with children since 1986. Currently run a  NYS-registered family day care home. Previously, preschool teacher for 6 years.

-- She and Jim moved to Westfield, N.Y. in 1987.

-- "Just retired from being a Girl Scout Leader for 25 yrs. Received a volunteer of the year award from United Way of Northern Chautauqua County for my Girl Scouting work. ... I Have been a religious education teacher at St. Dominic R.C. church for hmmm ... forever. Am a member of Union Relief in Westfield, an organization that helps provide christmas for needy kids in town, etc.  Early on, when in L.V. was a member of the Village Players and had a part in three plays for children. 

"I helped start a preschool, The Apple Seed Christian Preschool in Westfield in 2002. Actually ran the preschool out of my home for 2 weeks until could get into our new location. Although I no longer teach there, the preschool is still doing well."

Dale Westfall

-- Dale's been "married twice, the first time for 9 yrs and the second for 16 yrs. I am currently single."

-- After LVCS, he "did not pursue college but have taken many courses of study relating to my current field."

-- He has "2 children. My son is currently serving in thr U.S. Air Force and has made it his career. He lives in Alcoa, Tenn., with his wife and son and is expecting another son in July. My daughter has 2 sons and lives in Indianapolis Ind. She and her husband have a large constuction business and are doing very well."

-- Dale "joined the Cattaraugus Co. Sheriff's Office in 1988 as a correction officer. I have worked my way up the ranks and now have the title of Asst. Jail Administrator. I am recongnized as an expert in the operations and management of county jails in New York State by the NYS Commission of Corrections."

-- Dale lives in Napoli.

'Celebration Of Life' For Dori On June 23

From the Jamestown Post-Journal:

"Please join us for a celebration of life for Dori Sipe White, who passed away on May 30, 2012. The service will be held at the Corporate Building in the Cattaraugus County Fairgrounds, 501 Erie St., Little Valley, N.Y., on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 1 p.m. We hope you will share your special memories of Dori [LVCS Class of '76] with her family and friends. Refreshments to follow at the same location."

That's the Saturday of Alumni weekend.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dori Sipe White, Class Of '76, Has Died

Sad news: Dori Sipe White, member of the Class of '76 and wife of Jon (Class of '75), died this past week after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm. She was 53.

The Jamestown Post-Journal's obituary is here

Dori, as many know, wasn't just an alum. She was also a key part of the school district's staff for the past 15 years. She was, as the Post-Journal says, "confidential secretary for the superintendent."

And as this blogger and others from the Class of '76 will tell you, she was a great person. Her smile was infectious.

According to the Post-Journal:

"In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations be made to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation at their website: or by sending a check to Donations at The Brain Aneurysm Foundation, 269 Hanover Street, Building 3, Hanover, MA 02339 or Protect the Adirondacks at or send checks to Donations at Protect the Adirondacks, Inc., P.O. Box 1180, Saranac Lake, NY 12983."