Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 Dinner: Big Turnout, Good Time

More than 200 LVCS alums -- one of the biggest turnouts in years -- gathered Saturday in the school gym for the 2012 Alumni Dinner.

Highlights of the evening included being able to wander the old halls again (though they certainly don't look old, thanks to all the work done on the building in recent years), Jeri Parkhurst Harris's singing, the Class of 1962's generous donation to the Memmott-Langhans Scholarship fund and brother Jim Memmott's keynote address.

He took us through some of his LVCS memories, speculated about how 58-year-old Hazel the rabbit might be doing today in the wilds of Cattaraugus County, and brought things around to today and the kids who attend classes up at the CLVCS campus.

A recording of Jim's remarks (starting with an introduction by President Kevin Andrew) is posted online here and we're embedding an audio player below if you'd like to listen right now. Just click the "play" button and it should work.

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