Saturday, June 23, 2012

On Dinner Day, A Few More Class Of '72 Bios

The tour of the school (4 p.m. ET), social hour (5 p.m. ET; no alcohol this year) and dinner (6 p.m. ET) are today. We've gotten a couple more "where are they now?" notes from the Class of '72 (previous ones are here and here).

Clydia Minich: 

-- Isn't married now. She has "one daughter, Abby Maria aged 21.  She is going into her senior year at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford majoring in Economics and Business Management.  I have no grandchildren."

-- College is on on her "bucke list. I heard of a man who just got  his degree at age 88.  I hope that this is not going to take me that long but it proves it can be done."

-- Clydia has "worked for Beacon Light (aka Children Home of Bradford) since 1981.  I worked in direct care for many years with behavioral problem kids (mostly teenage boys) and then mental health clients.  I can honestly say I have parented hundreds of kids over the years.  I hear from many of them thanking me for doing my job and making them toe the line regardless of their problems. I tried to look at it in that I was helping one kid at a time cope with their mental illness.

"I switched over about 5 years ago and now run the Recreation Department.  Now most of the time if I don’t like behaviors I can send them to their staff. I am responsible for about 65 kids. I help organize and supervise an annual Fishing Derby put on by the Kinzua Fish and Wildlife Association which they put on for the kids I work with every May in Kane, Pa.  I am a CPR and First Aid instructor through me workplace which I have been doing for about 15 years now.  I have been teaching an autistic teen age boy to play the piano for almost 4 years now. It certainly has been educational.  Yet even though he has severe socialization skills he finally worked up enough nerve after contemplating it for six months to play a song for the Agency’s annual Christmas party.  In addition I run community service for the many clients with hours to work off."

-- She lives in Limestone and has "been in the same house since 1982. I have vacationed mostly in the South since that is where my heritage stems but not too much further than that. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz in that 'there's no place like home.' However I have been to  Texas to Houston, Texas and visited NASA, Arizona as well as Mexico, Florida and the Carribean.

-- Clydia adds that "I have raised a healthy, law abiding and productive child.  I have worked with so many kids who  did not did not grow up in healthy environments and so their future does not hold have much promise.  Hence I think anyone who has raised children can be very proud of that achievement."

Bernie Keenen:

-- "My wife, (Barb Jones, class of 76) and I have been married for 35 years in July.  We have 4 children:  Bridget 32, Brooke 28, Jessica 26 and Jacob 19.  Bridget and Brooke were born before Barb and I left LV in 1985.  Jess was born while Barb and I lived in the Albany area.  Ravenna and Jacob were born while we lives South of Youngstown, Ohio in East Palestine, Ohio.  We also live around Pittsburgh in Penn Hills for 4 years."

-- "I hired on the with the Railroad in 1974 in Jamestown, NY with the Erie Lackawanna and have since worked for Conrail and now CSXT.  I was a clerk until 2000 and was going to have to move to Jacksonville, Fl but was lucky enough to get a job as a Yardmaster in Erie Pa. Barb and I presently live in  Girard, Pa., about 15 miles west of Erie.  I can retire in Feb of 2014 when I turn 60."

-- My oldest daughter Bridget has her doctorate in Bio Medical Science.  She got married last year between Christmas and New Year in a small ceremony in Columbus, Ohio, and the party for it is on June 23rd or I would be with you all. My second daughter Brooke is married with 2 children -- Keene  8 and Kirsten 5.  She and her husband only live about 3 miles form us so we see them often.  Next daughter Jessica is now living back at home and my son Jacob just graduated from high school.

-- Dad passed away in 1999, Barb's father also died that year.  Mom still lives at 427 Rock City St and is doing well. 

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